
~ Basho & Hemingway ~

I ponder several times
over Basho’s Haiku,

“The temple bell stops–
but the sound keeps coming
out of the flowers.” *

I surmise he was
six feet underground when
he heard above sound.

It was for both a contrecoup
for whom the bells tolled.
A sort of ego contredance.

Alex Nodopaka June©2004
AD Something


~ I Con.Template ~

NB: desirable to center formatted.

I Con.Template



while my belly


By way of fat
I feel Buddha.

Alex Nodopaka Apr©2004
AD Something


~ I read a book of poems ~

I wonder if anyone
Has read it before me
The way I have.
The top corners of pages
Sixteen through twenty-one
Were still sealed.
I carefully spread them,
Not disturbing their virginity.
Peaked in between at an angle.
What I read was worth the visit.
I’ll pass it on to another
In the same configuration.
I wonder if they’ll read it
The same way I did.

Alex Nodopaka July©2004
AD Something


~ Picasso butts Seurat ~

Propelled by soaring breeze
The boy at the end of the string
Is towed by swooshing parallelepiped
Zigzagging high in the sky.

Pelican-like, now and then
It bomb-dives and scatters
Children below.
One runs along the shore.
Between his toes sand tickles
And makes him giggle.
He is high as a kite.

Seurat, paints this tableau.
Meticulously and feverishly
Dots his canvas with a rainbow
Of assorted monotone particles.
Tediously, a polka dot boy materializes.

Picasso, standing somewhat back,
Known for his erotic shenanigans,
Ducks under girls amply bouffant skirt.
Under her knickers he snickers
About Georges ridiculous technique.
Busy with the ladys triangles,
Pablo senses geometry is the answer.

Alex Nodopaka Jul©2004
AD Something


~The Speed of Fundamentalism~

I am greatly interested
in Christian and Muslim
fundamentalist perspectives.
Particularly the latter of late.
Except that like summer beetles
they spout their fundamentalism
at high speed head-on
against my windshield
while I speak on my cell phone.
My mind is in a tizzy
now I better learn quickly
speed-reading hieroglyphs.

It is a dangerous world.

Alex Nodopaka July©2004
AD Something