coffee ring residue


she said, lately i’m as comforting

as a cup of day-old, microwaved coffee


i told her, silly kitten – you don’t drink java


you’re missing the point


where were you saturday night?

why did you stumble home at 4:00 AM?

who were you with?


no one; no body (spoke Odysseus, the liar)


credit cards leave a paper trail

like little, extramarital breadcrumbs


she asked me, when was the last time

you were honest with yourself

or with me?


i shrugged and emptied myself into the drain




not my best


put the blue one on, she said

i like that one


she helps me

pull the windsor knot



water on the stove

for coffee

don’t forget




i wasn’t feeling

my best

(not my best at all)


but she helps

me find the buttons

and keeps

my tie





C Carol studied poetry under Diane Wakoski at Michigan State University and has been published in Empty Mirror ( and elsewhere.