I read somewhere that

Mozart had a pet starling


He called the starling singvogel

or was that an old German toy


He taught the bird to sing a song

or was it the other way around


And did the bird really come

when Mozart called or did it


secretly wish it belonged to

Constanze of the soft breast


instead of Wolfie (Johannes

Chrysostomus Wolfgangus


Theophilus Mozart to give

the man his proper name)


If I had a starling I’d call it

Constanze and ask it to sing


a song about the brief musical

career of Mozart’s starling


an avian concerto from

one composer to another


Sally Zakariya

Sally Zakariya’s poetry has appeared in some 75 print and online journals and been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. Her most recent publication is The Unknowable Mystery of Other People (Poetry Box, 2019). She is also the author of Personal Astronomy, When You Escape, Insectomania, and Arithmetic and other verses, as well as the editor of a poetry anthology, Joys of the Table. Zakariya blogs at www.butdoesitrhyme.com.