In response to Hieronymus Bosch’s The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things.


If William Tell’s arrow missed

and the child was struck almost clear through the head,

his hat would look like the one on this wall,

crown pierced instead of the apple.

Take that most primal of fruits.

Wedge it into a slaughtered pig’s open mouth.

The cauldron is laughingly small, but somehow a full feast

is laid out—plump chickens, chowder bowls to the brim,

the largest drumstick you can imagine,

and a cavernous jug of wine upturned for one long gulp.

Drink it all down. How could you be blamed

for wanting it now, apt as this world

is to launch arrows at your head,

a mere blink between the quick and dead.


Jennifer LeBlanc

Jennifer LeBlanc earned an MFA in Creative Writing from Lesley University. Her first full-length book, Descent, was published by Finishing Line Press (2020) and was named a Distinguished Favorite in Poetry (2021) by the Independent Press Award. Individual poems have been published or are forthcoming in Consequence, Solstice, Nixes Mate Review, Thimble Literary Magazine, and J Journal. Jennifer is a poetry reader for Kitchen Table Quarterly. She was nominated for a 2013 Pushcart Prize and works at Harvard University.

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